Owning a vehicle can be a costly venture. Not only do you need to plan for the initial purchase and rising cost of fuel but you will also need to plan for service and repair bills throughout the lifetime of the vehicle. While a regular Subaru car service schedule is important, it is possible to minimise the need for servicing and repair with some basic preventative measures.
1. Buy Fuel at a Reputable Service Station:
Many consumers have found that their vehicles suffer a drop in performance after buying fuel at certain service stations. This is likely because the garage has neglected basic maintenance changing the filters on each of the pumps. This allows particles of debris to be mixed with the fuel and enter into your engine. While your Subaru car service may include changing your fuel filter, you could have already suffered damage to your engine. It is far better to find a reputable garage who have a strict policy regarding their pump filters.
2. Discard Your Old Keys:
Many people develop a huge collection of keys on their key chain. While this appears to be a harmless habit, it can actually represent a great strain on your ignition. When you are driving, you could inadvertently be allowing a heavy weight to pull and bounce on the ignition. This can cause damage to the ignition tumblers and could lead to a switch failure. Go through your key chain and minimise the weight by discarding old keys. If you do need a large bunch of keys in your day to day life, consider having your car ignition key on a separate key chain.
3. Protect From Sun Damage:
The hot Australia climate can be devastating to the finish of your car. You should aim to protect your vehicle from sun damage by parking in shady areas where possible. This can protect your paint finish and your interior from sun bleaching. Additionally, you should use a rubber protect ant on all of the window and door weather stripping. This will keep the rubber supple and prevent cracking. Avoid using oil based products as oil can compromise the rubber. If you notice any damaged weather stripping, it is a good idea to replace it as soon as possible to prevent further damage occurring.
4. Seal Any Leaks:
Leaks are an indication of a potential problem with your vehicle. Most common leaks include radiator fluid. However, it is possible to reduce the need to replace a damaged radiator by sealing the leak. There are a number of radiator seal products available on the market which circulate around the radiator and plug any holes. This can prolong the lifespan of the radiator and reduce potential repair bills.
5. Check Your Fluids:
Many people have developed the good habit of regularly checking oil and water levels. However, while checking fluid levels are a component of a Subaru car service, they should not be neglected between garage visits. Fluid levels are easy to check and the brake, power steering, radiator fluid reservoirs have a minimum and maximum level indicated for ease of refilling. This enables even vehicle novices the ability to ensure that all fluids are at their optimum level.
If you are interested in learning more about vehicle servicing or need to arrange your Subaru car service, contact us. Our technicians are happy to answer any questions you may have.